
The 2025 CMF Press Application is now open. For onsite credential requests from members of the press, please fill out this official request form.

Content Creation/Social Influencer

Thank you for your interest in partnering with CMF! Please submit your information below and someone from our team will reach out if we would like to partner with you.


Thank you for your interest in Clemson Music Fest® 2025. Media interested in covering CMF must accept the guidelines and complete the application below. Credentials are limited, and final approval is based on review of each application. Credentials are limited and will not be issued to non-working media. Applications must be submitted by March 7, 2025 for review.


Please read the following guidelines in reference to media credentials for Clemson Music Fest® (CMF) presented by Southern Entertainment (SE). In submitting your application, you acknowledge that you have read and understand these guidelines and agree to the terms and conditions, as outlined below. CMF will consider applications from accredited media people who cover entertainment on a regular basis. Upon approval, identification (Government issued ID/passport) will be required to approved your media pass and to issue onsite.

Not all applications will be approved. Please remember your application is only a request for credentials.

All requests will be responded to by March 12, 2025.

Please note: All applications must be complete to be considered. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applications received after March 7, 2025 may be considered on a case by case basis.


Only working media persons, representing accredited media outlets will be considered. All media must submit a completed application and any required materials to be considered. CMF/SE reserves the right to request a letter from an assigning editor confirming assignment, an outline of intended event coverage and/or samples of similar event coverage within the last calendar year.


Applications for web publications/bloggers will be closely evaluated and limited.


CMF/SE will not entertain applications from freelance media persons, including photographers, who are not on a documented assignment. CMF/SE will require a letter from the outlet of the freelance media person’s confirmed assignment. Otherwise, freelance applications will not be accepted.


Any credentialed photographers are only permitted to photograph CMF grounds and crowd ONLY. Photo clearance for all headlining artists must be coordinated via CMF/SE. Approval to photograph headlining artists will be at the sole discretion of CMF/SE and artist management, and you will be notified by a CMF/SE representative if you’ve been approved. DO NOT contact artist management directly.

If you are interested in being part of the official CMF Photography team, please fill out our photographer application form.


There is zero use of drones permitted by any member of media above the festival grounds or surrounding it. Videography is prohibited unless approved special assignment/credential. Anyone in violation of this policy, their CMF credentials will be revoked immediately, jeopardizing credential privileges of the entire media outlet in which they represent. While use of video cameras/recording devices is not permitted inside festival grounds, you may record or go live from outside the festival gates and the perimeter of the festival grounds.